Chris Gregory

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C++ Tutorial 9 - Linked List


Here we will go over making a linked_list. Start out by declaring a class:

class linked_list {};

Now we have to figure out what our linked list is. Our linked_list is a data structure that looks like this. Each black box is an element, each red box is a pointer. The white boxes are "nodes".

Each node owns its element, the black box, and the next node, the red arrow. When we have a "value type" it matches the lifetime of the owner. This means that if the node was represented as:

class linked_list {
    using element = int;

    class node {
        element elem;
        node next;

Then when we make our first node, it immediately makes the second node, which makes the third node, and so on. The compiler sees that this will recurse infinitely and will give us an error to express this.

BTW the node is placed inside the linked_list (and is private to the linked_list) because it is only to be used by the linked_list, and will interact with the user through the linked_list.

So to represent a node, we have to learn how to detach the lifetime of it and the next node. To do this we use a unique_ptr. This class lives in the header file <memory>. Just like a vector, we must specify the type it encloses via <>.

#include <memory>
class linked_list {
    using element = int;

    class node {
        element elem;
        unique_ptr<node> next;

Now declare and define a constructor for the node that takes an element by constant reference.

        // in class node
        node(const element&);

linked_list::node::node(const element& e) : elem(e) {}

The final node's next node will be represented by a null pointer, written nullptr.

So if we directly own a node from the linked_list class, and the node owns an element, then there will always be at least one element in the linked_list. This is not the intended behavior, because the default state should be to have no elements. This means that the lifetime of the first node is distinct from that of the linked_list. Therefore, we need to use a unique_ptr to represent the first node.

class linked_list {
    using element = int;

    class node {
        element elem;
        unique_ptr<node> next;

    unique_ptr<node> head;

Now we are going to declare and define the default constructor, which will start the list out with no elements. Try to do this yourself without reading ahead!

class linked_list {
    using element = int;

    class node {
        element elem;
        unique_ptr<node> next;

    unique_ptr<node> head;


linked_list::linked_list() : head(nullptr) {}

Now that we can construct a linked_list, let's define some simple behavior. First we will define a method to add an element to the front of the list, called push_front. To do this we create a node to house this element, move ownership of the head to this new node, then move this new node to the head. We move ownership by using the function move.

    // in class linked_list
    void push_front(element const&);

// then define outside it
void linked_list::push_front(element const& elem) {
    // we must explicitly call the constructor of unique_ptr when
    // allocating a new node.
    unique_ptr<node> node(new node(elem));

    // move ownership of the head to this new node
    // * will get the actual node rather than the pointer to the node.
    (*node).next = move(head);

    // move the new node to the head
    head = move(node);

The new keyword tells the computer to allocate memory for the object on the heap. When we move a unique_ptr, we are moving the memory address for this object, rather than moving the object itself. Since we have to clean up this memory at some point, the unique_ptr that owns that pointer will.

Let's define a method to remove the first element: pop_front. This will take ownership of the second element, then replace the head with it. Try to express this yourself.

    // in class linked_list
    void pop_front();

void linked_list::pop_front() {
    // take ownership of the second element
    // a->b is equivalent to (*a).b
    unique_ptr<node> next = move(head->next);

    // replace the head with it
    head = move(next);

So now that we have the basic methods of inserting and removing elements from the front of the list, we need to implement clearing the list. A basic implementation of clearing the list will take ownership of the entire list and stop. Try to implement this. This is intended as a recap on how to acquire ownership of a resource. We will extend the implementation later.

    // in class linked_list
    void clear();

void linked_list::clear() {
    // take ownership of the entire list
    unique_ptr<node> list = move(head);

Now we are going to implement an iterator. We are going to use two different approaches and explore both. The premise of an iterator is that it allows us to access each element in the container, in this case the linked_list. Note that it doesn't transfer ownership of these elements.

Approach #1

Here we will mimic the structure of our node class to implement the iterator. We have to use pointers and not references because we wish to redirect the pointers to different elements and nodes.

    // inside linked_list
    class iterator {
        element* elem;
        node* next;

We need to be able to construct the iterator with two pointers, one to an element and one to a node. If we make this constructor public, then anyone can initialize our iterator to an incorrect value. If we make it private, then the linked_list class can't access it.

To correctly implement this, we need to use a special keyword: friend. Only you and your friends can touch your private members and methods. Add the following line to the iterator and then declare and implement a private constructor that takes the two pointers. We also want a public default constructor that does nothing.

        // in iterator
        friend class linked_list;
        // in iterator, private
        iterator(element*, node*);
        // in iterator, public

linked_list::iterator::iterator(element* e, node* n) : elem(e), next(n) {}
linked_list::iterator::iterator() {}

Now we need to define four methods: an equals comparison operator and an unequal comparison operator, an increment operator, and a dereference operator.

The equals comparison operator, operator==(other), will simply compare if the elements pointed to are the same object. The unequal comparison operator, operator!=(other), will simply return the inverse of the previous.

The increment operator, operator++(), will need to bring the iterator to the next element.

The dereference operator, operator*(), will retrieve the current element.

On const and its applicability to these functions. This keyword describes the current object. When a method on linked_list is const, it means that the linked_list and the elements it owns will not be modified via this method. Since an iterator does not own the elements it points to, the dereference operator should return a non-constant reference and be declared as const in its effect on the iterator, because it doesn't change the iterator.

        // in iterator
        bool operator==(const iterator&) const;
        bool operator!=(const iterator&) const;

        // return a reference to self.  non-const because modifies this
        iterator& operator++();

        // non-const because modifies this
        element& operator*() const;

// compare elements by memory address to see if they are the same object.  Pointers are memory addresses
bool linked_list::iterator::operator==(const iterator& other) const {
    return elem == other.elem;
// call operator==
bool linked_list::iterator::operator!=(const iterator& other) const {
    return !(*this == other);

iterator& linked_list::iterator::operator++() {
    elem = next->elem;
    // since next->next is a unique_ptr, get the actual pointer with .get()
    next = next->next.get();
    return *this;

element& linked_list::iterator::operator*() { return *elem; }

This code has a bug in operator++(). The bug is due to the nature of our implementation of the linked_list's final element. Try to find it yourself.

What's happening is that when the final element of the list is reached, the next pointer will be null. We don't test for it to be null before using it, causing bad things to happen. We have to wrap null checks around the increment operator to fix this. A non-null pointer is true.

iterator& linked_list::iterator::operator++() {
    if (next) {
        elem = next->elem;
        next = next->next.get();
    } else {
        elem = nullptr;
        next = nullptr;
    return *this;

Now we will implement the method insert_after(). This method is very similar to push_front(). To do this we need to create a new node for our element, move ownership of the node after the iterator to the new node, then the new node as the iterator's next node.

To express ownership of the next node in the iterator, we must use a unique_ptr. But we didn't use a unique_ptr, we used a normal pointer to the next element.

We must restructure our implementation of the iterator to correctly express this.

Approach #2

This time, instead of mimicking a node, let's use the node directly. Since the iterator doesn't own the node, and can be reassigned to different nodes, it must be a pointer.

    class iterator {
        node* current;

        bool operator==(const iterator&) const;
        bool operator!=(const iterator&) const;
        iterator& operator++();
        element& operator*(const iterator&) const;
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
    return current == other.current;
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const {
    return !(*this == other);
iterator& linked_list::iterator::operator++() {
    // note that we eliminate the null check now!
    current = current->next.get();
    return *this;
element& operator*(const iterator& other) const {
    return *current->elem;

Now let's try to implement the insert_after() method.

    // in linked_list
    void insert_after(iterator, element const&);

// for inspiration, look at our push_front:
void linked_list::push_front(element const& e) {
    unique_ptr<node> node(new node(e));
    node->next = move(head);
    head = node;
void linked_list::insert_after(iterator it, element const& e) {
    unique_ptr<node> node(new node(e));
    node->next = move(it.current->next);
    it.current->next = move(node);

Now implement erase_after().

void linked_list::erase_after(iterator it) {
    unique_ptr<node> next = move(it.current->next);
    it.current->next = move(next->next);

Now we need to define the methods begin() and end() so that we can use the iterators. The begin() method will return an iterator pointing to the first element, and the end() method will return an iterator that points to the object after the last -- in this case, looking at the diagram, null.

    // in linked_list
    iterator begin();
    iterator end();

iterator linked_list::begin() {
    return iterator(head.get());
iterator linked_list::end() {
    return iterator(nullptr);

And now we are done implementing our linked_list.