Chris Gregory

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Java to C++ - Destructors


C++ is not a managed language. This basically means that there is no garbage collector. The good thing about this is that there is no startup time or garbage collector overhead. The design goal of C++ was to be:

— Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++, "Make Simple Tasks Simple!" CppCon 2014

This means that they make speedups that may not seem right until you understand the reasoning behind it. But this post is about destructors, arguably the best feature of C++ that doesn't exist in Java. Destructors force the destruction of resources when a block of code ends. Let's look at an example:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    using namespace std;

    ifstream file_stream("file");
    string first_line;
    getline(file_stream, first_line);

    cout << "First line of file is: " << first_line << endl;

The first two lines tell the compiler to basically import the file stream and input output stream headers (fstream and iostream respectively). The <> around the name tells it that it is a system header and that you didn't make it.

The line using namespace std; tells the compiler to look up any members it doesn't see itself in the namespace std. For example, this shortens the usage of std::cout to cout.

The ifstream allow you to read input from a file, assuming that it exists. We will for the sake of the example. In Java you would have to wrap this operation in a try catch block, then close the resource at the end. If an exception occurs that you don't catch, the file will never be closed! In C++ the destructor for an object will always be called when the resource falls out of scope: in this case at the end of the main function. This makes sure that resources are properly disposed no matter what, removing the resource cleanup strain from the user, the point of a garbage collector in the first place!

The line string first_line; allocates a string that will be deleted when the main function ends. Writing String firstLine; in Java will allocate a pointer to a String but won't actually allocate it. You can do the exact same thing, but it is bad form. It is very similar to a String in Java except that it is modifiable. You may think that immutable Strings in Java are a great feature and they are, but C++ allows you a variable as immutable by adding the keyword const rather than designing two different classes to do the same thing. This has a great speed improvement as you don't have central cache of immutable strings and don't need multiple allocations for one string object.

The last line of real code is a function call of getline. This reads a line out of a stream and puts it into the second variable given, a string reference. A reference simply means that that other method can change the contents of it, just like a normal Object in Java.

The final line just prints out the first line of the file that you acquired in the getline() statement.

All the destructors are actually called at the very last line, the }. First the string first_line will be deleted, then the ifstream. This ensures that the resources acquired are deleted no matter what happens after they are aquired: a process called RAII - Resource Acquisition Is Initialization.